Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

November 21, 2008

5 Tips for Starting Your Home Business by Dan Chambless

0votesvoteOwning your own home based business sounds wonderful, and it can be. However, it can also be problematic without proper planning. A few simple steps can insure your home based business is enjoyable and profitable.
1. Define your goals. Take the time to define exactly what you want to accomplish with your home based business. Business owners that take this simple step are much more likely to be successful. Your goals should be specific. Do not make as a goal that you want to make a lot of money. Be specific about how much money you want to make. Write your goals as if you have already achieved them. You will be surprised at how much more effective this is in creating positive energy and atmosphere. Review them daily.

2. Invest in your business. Starting any new business requires an investment of time and money. Do not make the mistake of thinking you can gain vast riches with little or no investment of time and money. Think of your home business as a real business and not just something you will try to see if it will work. Be willing to invest the money and the time necessary to make it a success.

3. Learn from others. Make the effort to learn from other successful home business owners. You can save a lot of time and money with this simple step. You will be surprised by how many successful people are willing to share their secrets of success. A home based business is not something you have to invent. Follow a blueprint of someone that is already successful.

4. Work your plan. After you have completed the first three steps, develop your plan for your business. Each of the three preceding steps will help you formulate your plan for your home based business. You have developed your goals, decided how much time and money you have to invest in your business, and you have learned all you can from successful home based business owners. Now, write your plan down and commit to it. Commit to yourself that you will do something every day to contribute to the execution of your plan.

5. Invest in yourself. Too many people neglect this step. As a business owner, you owe it to yourself to invest in your most valuable resource. That resource is you. Invest in learning how you can open the powers of your mind. Learn about how much positive thinking can improve your business and your daily life. Learn about the secrets of attraction. You truly are the most valuable resource you have. Improve yourself.
This all sounds pretty simple. It is! By following these simple steps, you can make your life more abundant.

About the AuthorDan Chambless built a successful career as a mortgage banker. Now he is helping others start their own careers in the worlds of network marketing and home businesses.

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