Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

November 29, 2008

Making money on the Internet is BULL Shi...
by J Steenkamp

Yes that is what I use to think.I tried them all,affiliate marketing,mlm{multilevelmarketing},Internet residual income[you know,work once get paid for live] and Internet home businesses{you bay a web page and sit back and relax].

When I started out I told myself this is easy.The secret must be to do it,like Frank Senatra sang[my way].My way did notwork to well.I spend thousands upon thousands of dollars.My credit card was maxed out, in the red.The only thing that I didget was red swollen eyes from sitting in front of the computer day and night.

The problem was traffic,E-mail opt-in list.The first thing I did was to try and get it for free.That sounded like a great idea.Get people to bay from you,or join your affiliate program and you get paid wright.Was I wrong,nobody seem to like free.As thesaying goes nothing ventured nothing gained.I paid nothing and got nothing.

Free did not work, so I tried paying for opt-in lists,IE E-mail marketing.The sort where you pay the provider dollars and he sends your "Marketing Ad" to thousands of op-in Email subscribers {his op-in list}.These providers assured me thatmy particulars will not be provided to any body.Boy did I get traffic,but not the sort I was looking for.All the people thatmy ad was send to got my particulars and wanted me to bay from them.

Then one day I was sitting in front of my computer with my red eyes looking at the
screen.I saw one more of these programs.The program offered to get thousands of opt-in E-mails for me.Being stubborn and wanting a big opt-in list.Yes you guessed itI joined.I got hundreds of opt-in members{my list} and my list got big.The gurus say the money is in your list and they where right.The money started rolling in.

About the author.Jaco Steenkamp The owner of Xpo 4 All.
The business that are about how to help people make a living on the net.

November 27, 2008

Making money on the Internet is BULL Shi...
by J Steenkamp
Yes that is what I use to think.I tried them all,affiliate marketing,mlm {multi level marketing},Internet residual income[you know,work once get paid for live] and Internet home businesses{you bay n web page and sit back and relax].

When I started out I told myself this is easy.The secret must be to do it,like Frank Senatra sang[my way].My way did not
work to well.I spend thousands upon thousands of dollars.My credit card was maxed out, in the red.The only thing that I did
get was red swollen eyes from sitting in front of the computer day and night.

The problem was traffic,E-mail opt-in list.The first thing I did was to try and get it for free.That sounded like a great idea.Get
people to bay from you,or join your affiliate program and you get paid wright.Was I wrong,nobody seem to like free.As the
saying goes nothing ventured nothing gained.I paid nothing and got nothing.

Free did not work, so I tried paying for opt-in lists,IE E-mail marketing.The sort where you pay the provider dollars and he
your "Marketing Ad" to thousands of op-in Email subscribers {his op-in list}.These providers assured me that my particulars will
not be provided to any body.Boy did I get traffic,but not the sort I was looking for.All the people that my ad was send to got my particulars and wanted me to bay from them.

Then one day I was sitting in front of my computer with my red eyes looking at the screen.I saw one more of these programs.
The program offered to get thousands of opt-in E-mails for me.Being stubborn and wanting a big opt-in list.Yes you guessed it I joined.
I got hundreds of opt-in members{my list} and my list got big.The gurus say the money is in your list and they where right.
The money started rolling in.

About the author.Jaco Steenkamp The owner of Xpo 4 All.
The business that are about how to help people make a living on the net.

November 21, 2008

What to Look for in a Business opportunity
by Dan Chambless

Have you started looking at a business opportunity during these troubled economic times? Many of us are looking for that perfect home based business or a way to invest some of our money that seems to be dwindling every day in the stock market.

For the purpose of this article, let's assume you want to start a home based internet business. The principles for making a success of a home based business are really the same as operating any other business. It has to start with a vision and with that vision, you have to ask yourself some questions. Why do I want to start my own business? What are the goals for my business? Do I have the expertise to run my own business? Do I have the resources to invest in my own business? Do I have the time to start my own business?

Why do you want to start your own home based internet business? For most of us, we see an opportunity that offers a way to supplement the income we already have. Others see an opportunity to grow their business into something to take the place of their current job. Some, like me, know someone that has been wildly successful with a home based internet business. The answers are probably different for everyone and it is something only you can answer.

What are your goals for your business? It constantly amazes me how few people actually take the time to write out their goals. Most people seem to have some vague idea of their goals, but few take the time to write them down. Take the time to really think about your goals. Write them down. Constantly review them. Write them as if you had already achieved them. Make your goals a living document. Write down your long term goals and then write a set of short term goals for each long term goal. Be specific!

Do I have the expertise to run my own business? Few people really know everything they need to know to run their own business. However, there is some good news. The internet is full of people that can and will help. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You just have to be able to copy what other successful people have done. Follow their blueprint. You will be amazed how much free information you can get.

Do I have the resources to invest in my business? Any new business requires an investment. The key is to find a business that is affordable to you and offers a good return on your investment. The right business, set up the right way can pay huge dividends. You might want to consider a loan against a 401K or cashing in part of a stock portfolio to help you get started. In this article we are talking about a home based internet business. There are some good opportunities out there that can be started much less expensively than a brick and mortar business. Also, many home based internet business require little if any inventory.

Do I have the time? Only you can answer that. Many home based businesses can be started with just a few hours a day. However, do not make the mistake of thinking you can get rich by just working very little. Any business requires work and dedication.
About the Author
Dan Chambless built a successful career as a mortgage banker. Now, he is helping others build thir own successful careers in the world of internet marketing.
5 Tips for Starting Your Home Business by Dan Chambless

0votesvoteOwning your own home based business sounds wonderful, and it can be. However, it can also be problematic without proper planning. A few simple steps can insure your home based business is enjoyable and profitable.
1. Define your goals. Take the time to define exactly what you want to accomplish with your home based business. Business owners that take this simple step are much more likely to be successful. Your goals should be specific. Do not make as a goal that you want to make a lot of money. Be specific about how much money you want to make. Write your goals as if you have already achieved them. You will be surprised at how much more effective this is in creating positive energy and atmosphere. Review them daily.

2. Invest in your business. Starting any new business requires an investment of time and money. Do not make the mistake of thinking you can gain vast riches with little or no investment of time and money. Think of your home business as a real business and not just something you will try to see if it will work. Be willing to invest the money and the time necessary to make it a success.

3. Learn from others. Make the effort to learn from other successful home business owners. You can save a lot of time and money with this simple step. You will be surprised by how many successful people are willing to share their secrets of success. A home based business is not something you have to invent. Follow a blueprint of someone that is already successful.

4. Work your plan. After you have completed the first three steps, develop your plan for your business. Each of the three preceding steps will help you formulate your plan for your home based business. You have developed your goals, decided how much time and money you have to invest in your business, and you have learned all you can from successful home based business owners. Now, write your plan down and commit to it. Commit to yourself that you will do something every day to contribute to the execution of your plan.

5. Invest in yourself. Too many people neglect this step. As a business owner, you owe it to yourself to invest in your most valuable resource. That resource is you. Invest in learning how you can open the powers of your mind. Learn about how much positive thinking can improve your business and your daily life. Learn about the secrets of attraction. You truly are the most valuable resource you have. Improve yourself.
This all sounds pretty simple. It is! By following these simple steps, you can make your life more abundant.

About the AuthorDan Chambless built a successful career as a mortgage banker. Now he is helping others start their own careers in the worlds of network marketing and home businesses.

I love summer.