Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

September 24, 2007

The perfect marketing pamphlet for your Business.

Creating the Perfect Marketing Pamphlet for your Business by TL Kleban
Every business needs a marketing program to succeed in the business world today. Unfortunately, all too many small businesses are going about it the wrong way by focusing in on just one area. It isn't about using one way of doing things but instead it is about getting and keeping customers. One of the best tools for doing this is creating your own business brochure.
Think about all the benefits a great marketing brochure can hold for your business. It delivers a clear, focused message in a visually persuasive way. Finding that focus requires consideration about who will read the brochure.

It's up to you to convince them that you are a unique benefit to them. It gives your business credibility in the eyes of customers. A well-written and well-designed brochure guarantees more sales.

Here is how you can get started creating a brochure for your business today.
Decide upon a reason why you need and want a brochure in the first place. Then determine what you plan on the subject matter for brochure to be. Be careful with how much information you plan on placing in the brochure. It will come off as unorganized, unprofessional and cluttered if there is too much information in it. The idea is to have a reader quickly glance it over or skim through it. From that quick interaction with it, they should get an idea of the message you are to trying to get across.

Figure out who your demographic audience is and come up with a plan on how to teach that target audience. Trying to do too much will only result in not enough as in no one will want to read. Create content that talks directly to your target audience.

The idea is to say a lot about your business without appearing to say too much. Target specific ideas and talking points about your business which makes it different that everyone else. Explain these aspects without taking up or wasting too much of the reader's time.

Again following the theme of less is more you used with your content, do the same with any and all graphic images you are using in the brochure. If you use too many graphics, you risk the chance of drawing attention away from the original message and purpose of the brochure.
Pick out the colors you are going to use in your brochure. Color in it will raise the cost of it since colored ink costs more. There is nothing wrong with just a plain yet simple black and white brochure to get your message across.

When it comes to the content of your brochure, make sure the message comes across as clearly as it can so anyone that reads it can quickly understand it. Talk up your business and its potential benefits for the reader instead of just rambling off what services you offer, about benefits rather than just listing off what you offer.

Now that you are finished putting it together, it is finally time to get it all printed up. You can do this by contacting a local printer or ordering it online from graphic design companies who offer this service.

About the AuthorChannel M Communications at, allows you to implement channels of communication with direct mail, digital printing services, response URLS, RSS feeds, and professional graphic design.

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