Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

May 8, 2007


Five ways to obtain free advertising.

[1]Arrange a cleanup day in your area.

You can sponsor a cleanup in your local area.You can target a river,park for your clean up.If you get local schools and child organization to help with the clean up the newspapers ,radio will give you free advertisement about the event and your business.The sponsorship can only cost you the price of some refuse bags and some ice cream for your helpers.

[2]Organise training for the less privileged Arrange training in hand skills for the less privileged.

Skills like wood cutting,embroidery,car repairs etc.You can get people to give the training and because you are helping the less privileged,you will have no problem in getting free publicity for your business.

[3]Arrange fund raiser for charity of your chois.

Make your business premises available as a contact point for fund raising for charity purposes.You can let your offices be used as address to which people can send and deliver goods they want to donate to welfare organizations.This you can inform your local radio and newspapers about.In doing this you will get a lot of free publicity for your business.

[4]Arrange day for young entrepreneurs.

You can contact your local chamber of commerce and arrange a day for young entrepreneurs.Your business will generate great free news media advertisement for arranging the day.

[5]Find work for disabled people.

Make contact with other businesses in your area and with them organize work opportunities for disabled people.With this kind of charity work your business will get a lot of free publicity

But if you really want to make you business great then read this now

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