Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

April 12, 2007


How to become wealthy with your own business in five easy steps?
1]Choose a business you are interested in. Researches has shown that,this kind of business has a great chance of being
2]Start small.By starting small your expenses and risk are also small.
3]Clever marketing.The number one reason why most business do not stay afloat is because they do not market their business.
Use free marketing as mentioned in this blog.
4]Have a income and expenses record!It does not have to be complicated, make sure you understand it and do it every day.
You will not believe it, but by doing this small thing your business has a eight times better chance off being successful.
5]Put a third of your profits back into your business in the form of advertising or marketing.


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