Financial freedom,being Rich or having a life of abundance, the secret is free money.

Financial freedom is when your living expenses are being met by money that you do not have to work for yourself.The question is what is money that you do not have to physically work for yourself.It is money you get from dividends from shares,shares that you bay and later sell for a profit,interest on investments,monthly income you get from renting out property[private and commercial],income you get from your own business[affiliate marketing,Internet home business].

The bottom line is when your living expense's are met by free money[Money you do not physically have to work for] you are financially free.You are not rich yet,but you are free,free from the daily runt of getting up and going to work,getting paid,paying bills.Getting up and going to work.............................

If you want to be rich you only have to get,bay,invest in more free money.That`s is it,its as easy as 1 2 3!

In this blog you will find ideas how to get free money and how to go from financially free to rich.

Smile you will live longer!

All work and no PLAY...

February 26, 2009

Affiliate program marketing for all[6-10]Profit pulling free marketing tools.

Making a profit with affiliate program marketing is what it is all about.Lets face it we are in this business,because we want to make money and a lot off it.With the free tool that will be discussed in this article you can do precisely that.

In the previous article you were informed about the benefits of wright articles.This time you will be shown how easy it is to wright profit pulling articles.Their are two things you will need.The one I can help you with,but the other one will be up to you.The first one is the will to wright articles if you do not have that then nobody can help you to wright articles.The second is guidelines that you can follow to make the wright of articles easy.These guidelines are:
1]No novel.
2]Look for existing articles.
3]Wright like you talk.
4]Article template.
5]Spell check.
6]Resource box[The author].

1]No novel.
You are not wright to get a prize for the best written novel.You are wighting a article to help people to get to your affiliate program marketing site.People read up to 35% slower on PC than on hard cover.They get Bord with long articles.Keep it to between 400-700 words per article.

2]Look for existing articles.
Go to article directories and look for similar articles.We are not trying to reinvent the wheel.Read three or four of these articles and then wright you article.Wright it as fast as you can.You can edit it later.Pleas use you own words,because to copy a article with out permission is a crime.

3]Wright like you talk.
Do not use words to impress and that you do not fully understands yourself.If you do this you will confuse your potential customer and he or she will lose interest and move to the next article.Stay away from technical terms.You might understand it,but your potential customer that this is all about,might or might not.Don't take the chance.

4]Article template.
Use the following template to make wighting articles about affiliate program marketing easy for yourself.
Grab attention and to the point.Put your keywords in to it as well.
3 sentences with keyword.
4-5 paragraphs with 3-4 sentences each and remember your keyword.
3 sentences with keyword.

5]Spell check.
Always use a spell check it quick and easy.If you make a lot of spelling mistakes people will think.This guru can not even sell,their is no way that he knows what he is talking about.You want people to read to the end of your article and wanting to know more.This Will make them click your link in your article recourse box and going to your website.This is were your affiliate program marketing can make you a lot off money.

6]Recourse box.
Give benefits[why] to the readers to click to your website.

Their is one more thing you can do to make you articles work even harder for you with you affiliate program marketing.Wright keyword rich articles.Your keywords are the words you would like people to enter when looking for stuff on search engines.Wright articles were your keywords appear at least 1,5% to 2,5% of all the words in the article.

Stick to these six guidelines and you will be wright profit pulling articles in now time.People will stream to your affiliate program marketing site and so will the money.

The author
Jaco Steenkamp is an up and coming affiliate marketer.He believes that the only why to make it in affiliate marketing is to help other people to make it.Jaco Steenkamp recommends that for more ideas you visit.

February 18, 2009

Affiliate marketing training manual for all[10-5]More free marketing tools.

Making lots of money with affiliate marketing can be very easy,but you do need to market or advertise your business.Business in this context rivers to to your website.If you do not do marketing you are invisible to your potential customers.This marketing can be done free.

In the previous article we look at search engine.The concept that was discussed where S.E.O or search engine optimization be it on site or off site.We also looked at keywords as a form of free marketing to promote your affiliate marketing program.In this article we will look at three more Rss feeds,lists and articles.

1]Rss feeds.
a Rss feed is a format used to publish frequently updated work,news headlines,audio,video and blog entries.These feeds are retrieved from third party or some other persons websites.You can find good Rss feeds from Google,YouTube and Yahoo.The good news is that to get these feeds are free.

The main reason feeds are so important is that this provides contents to your website.If you remember from our previous articles search engines loves contents and if the contents are updated regularly all the better.Most Rss feeds are almost updated every day.That are great news for your affiliate marketing program and ultimately for your business.The more contents to your website.The higher your search engine rank and the more money you will make.

2]The list.
The money is in the list.The list rivers to people that have opt in to receive E-mails from you.This is a gold mine.These people want to hear from you.You can send them marketing E-mails to buy from you over and over.There are people on the net that are making millions in sales per year using only this marketing tool.

To get people to opt in you have to offer them some thing for free on your website,but for them to get at it they must give you their E-mail address.Have a look at my wed site,on the left.It reads subscribe to our free Internet home business tips newsletter.When people subscribe I have their E-mail address and can talk or sell to them over and over.

This is a great way to market your affiliate marketing program and it is free.If you do not have any free goods to give away.Go to Google and type in free E-books.You will find thousands to give away free.

Doing this affiliate marketing tool correctly will drive high quality traffic to your site.You will gain a reputation and people will want to hear from you.People will also buy from you.because your wright helpful articles and appear to be a guru on the subject.This can really make you rich.Yes and it is free.

The reason articles are great,because of contents and people being laze of nature.People want contents for their web sites,but are to laze to wright it them self.So what do they do,they go to article directories and copy and past your article to their website.Doing this they have to put your author bios[particulars] with a link to your site on it.Now if any body reads your article on their site and wants to know more they press the link and are directed to your site.Their are thousands of article directories so the potential are endless.

Seeing that this is my favorite free affiliate marketing tool.In the next article you will find all the secrets to writing profit pulling articles and what to do with it.

The author
Jaco Steenkamp is an up and coming affiliate marketer.He believes that the only why to make it in affiliate marketing is to help other people to make it.Jaco Steenkamp recommends that for more ideas you visit.

February 12, 2009

Affiliate marketing training manual for all[4-10]Free marketing tools.

by Jaco Steenkamp
Having a website with your own domain is not going to make you money with your chosen affiliate marketing program.Their are more than a billion Internet users on the web.With billions of websites.You must do marketing or advertising to let your product stand out from the rest.

This is where affiliate marketing,marketing tools can help you.In this article we will be looking at some free tools you can use to get your website in front of potential buyers.The free tools are:
1]Your domain name
3]Search engines
4]Keywords and frazes
5]RSS feeds
9]Product review
11]Web 2.0

1]Your domain name.This is very important and was discussed in the previous
article.Easy to remember/spell EST.

2]Blogs.Is free and it was also discussed in the previous article.The heading of the article was.The next step- Marketing.

3]Search engines.This is were you tipe a search fraze of something you would like to know and the search engine spits out thousands of related websites.Google,Yahoo are same of the well know examples.Their are also smaller less know once that can give you good results AOL,Hot bot,AltaVista and the list goes on and on.Their are thousands of search engines.All of witch can be used to promote your affiliate marketing program.

To use the search engines,you must go to any of them and fill in the application form including you domain particulars.People can know find you when they put in search frases that are relevant to your site.The money will start rolling in.If it was only that easy.To test it for yourself,tipe in a search fraze that is relevant to your site.Now see if you can find your site?If you can find it in the first 10 pages stop reading,because you do not need any help.Your pages is already a winner.

Their are thousands of pages with relevant websites yours are lost among them,but do not dis spare there are ways to get in front of many of them.One of the ways comes in the form of Search Engine Optimization [SEO].There are two forms of SEO,on'site and off site.You will need both to have a successful website and business.

Off site normally revers to having links from other sites back to your site.You need to contact relevant website owners and ask if you can link to their site.When they say yes you put their site links on your website.The more links you have the better it is for your ranking and the closer you get to the first few pages.This is were the big money is and your affiliate marketing will start to work for you.

On'site refers to the contents of your site.Search engines loves content.The more content your website have the the better it is for your ranking.This contents also needs to be updated frequently.The fastest way off getting relevant contents is to go to article directories.Go to,, or there are thousands more,but these are the once I use.This is only scratching the surface of using search engines to advertise/market your affiliate marketing program with.

4]Keywords or frasise.
The reason keywords are so important is,because of search engines.The search engines use spiders to go through your site and determine what it is about.If your site is keyword rich.The spider will be able to index your article correctly.

Keywords are also important,because if somebody tipes in a search frases or word and it matches your keyword.The search engine will display your site on its pages.Bingo you have a potential customer for the product you are marketing through your affiliate marketing program.

The bottom line is your keywords or frases must appear at least 1,5% to 2% off all the contents of your website.There are keyword software that you can use to get the most targeted keyword for your site.Have a look at

In the next article we will look at some of the other free marketing tools.One of them will be the one I like and use the most.

The author Jaco Steenkamp is an up and coming affiliate marketer.He believes that the only why to make it in affiliate marketing is to help other people to make it.Jaco Steenkamp recommends that for more ideas you visit.

February 4, 2009

Affiliate marketing Trianing Manual for all[3-10]The next step,Marketing.

By J Steenkamp
Now that you know what product you are going to market from the affiliate marketing program you have joined.As was discussed in the previous articles.Your next step must be to decide if you are going to use free marketing or paid marketing.

Free marketing in this context is in the form of a blog and paid marketing is in the form hosted web domain.In the articles that follow we will take a look at some more free and paid marketing.That can be used to make money with your affiliate marketing program.

The first thing to consider even before you decide if you are going to use a blog or a website must be what will your business name be?Pick the wright one and you will be up and filing in no time,but if you neglect this step your affiliate marketing program can be doomed from the start.This can not be stressed enough.Picking the wright business name can be a effective marketing tool on it's own.

The most affiliate marketers do not seem to agree on anything,but do agree that when picking your business name you should go one of two ways:
1}The first group think you should pick a short memorable name.The name should be related to what you are going to market from your affiliate marketing program.The name should be short,easy to remember and spell.If it can also tell you exactly what it is about you have a winner.The reason for this is you have one 15 second window to make a memorable impression and inform you potential customer what you are marketing or promoting.If you mis it you will never get another.

2}The second group think you should choose a groovy,cool or attention grabbing name for your business.That will be easy to remember.Think of business names like Google,Yahoo,E-bay etc.The name has almost nothing to do with what these businesses are about,but I do not think their is anybody on mother earth who have not heard of these businesses.

Witch ever one you would like to you use is up to you.Both of these methods work exceedingly well with picking your business name and establishing your pres sens on the web.

Now lets get to the question do you use a blog or your own website?
1)It is always a good idea to start with a blog because it is free.The main problem is that when you use a blog it is hosted on some one Elsi's site.For example is where the problem begins.Someone ells controls your site and can do with it as they see fit,put confusing ads on it or even worse close it down completely.Your potential customer can also get confused are you blogger or your business name,because your link looks like is your business name and blog spot is blogger.Blogs do work,but because of the mentioned facts use them sparingly.

2)The best platform to market your affiliate marketing program from is your own wed site and domain name.There are a many hosting companies on the Internet.They make a lot of empty promises,but sadly can not deliver.The hosting company that I trust and use is at hostgator.
When you signed up for your website you will be asked to formulate a domain name.When you formulate a domain name remember what was discussed in the beginning of this article about choosing your business name.Your domain name must use the same principals short,easy to spell,descriptive,memorable,easy to remember and related to what you are marketing from the affiliate marketing program you have joined.That is it now you can start to make money with your own Internet business.

In the next article we will look at same free marketing tools that you can use to market or promote your business site and make lots money.

The author
Jaco Steenkamp is an up and coming affiliate marketer.He believes that the only why to make it in affiliate marketing is to help other people to make it.Jaco Steenkamp recommends that for more ideas you visit.

Working from Home: A Teeth Bleaching Business

by Phoenix Delray

The teeth bleaching business is one of the fastest growing industries in the country, and many people are interested in finding out what the benefits are of such a venture. It is a popular way for people to live their dream of working from home and being their own boss, mostly because there is such a large target market for the business. Anyone with teeth is a potential client, and what better way to start a business than to have a huge potential client base?

The average bill for going to a dentists office to have a whitening done is anywhere from $500 on up. Many of the professionals that use treatments in their offices buy the systems in bulk quantities and turn around to sell them to their patients, at a higher price than what they paid. This of course makes a profit for every system that is sold. If dentists can do this, why cant everyday people who want to work from home? There are low start up fees, no royalties to pay, and no franchise fees. There are also no territory restrictions either, which can often plague those in the sales business.

While dentists can charge $500 or more for their systems, people interested in the teeth bleaching business only charge $100. Customers would of course rather come to the person who charges $100 instead of the higher amounts for the exact same products. Many people who take on this venture earn about 200% for every system that they sell, and their customers win as well, since they are saving $300 by not going to the dentist for the at home kits.

People who are looking to go into business for themselves often would like to work part time hours and make full time profits. Many start out small, and then they let things grow and expand. There are many tax benefits that someone who is self employed can take advantage of too. Some of the most common questions that people new to the teeth bleaching business have are things like How do I get started? and Will I need a website? Others may also wonder how they are going to advertise their business and where to get needed supplies from. There are many companies that can be found via the Internet that can help anyone who is interested in this kind of deal. They can answer any questions that you may have and can help you on your way to beginning a new life in self employment as a teeth bleaching business success story.

About the Author
For more information on teeth bleaching business, please visit our website.

I love summer.